ztfimg reference documentation

ztfimg reference documentation#

ztfimg is a generic object-oriented API to enable to interact with Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) images. The dask cluster computing library is natively incorporated within the API such that one can use numpy or dask.array as smoothly as doing use_dask=True.


The ZTF camera (focalplane) is divided into 16 ccds themselves divided into 4 quadrants. ztfimg enables you to interact with the data at all levels and both for the raw data and the science images.

The data I/O is based on ztfquery. It is strongly recommended (but not mandatory) to have a running ztfquery environment.

Sharp start#

from ztfimg import io
sciimg_path, maskimg_path = io.get_test_image() # load default images

import ztfimg
sci = ztfimg.ScienceQuadrant.from_filename(sciimg_path, maskimg_path)
data = sci.get_data(apply_mask=True) # see also e.g. rm_bkgd
fig = sci.show(data=data) # if data not provided, this will plot get_data()
Science image



Indices and tables#